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Vacancies on Pasco-Hernando Workforce Board of Directors

Vacancies on Pasco-Hernando Workforce Board of Directors

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Hernando County Board of County Commissioners is accepting applications from individuals qualified to fill vacant Non-Board Member seats on the Pasco-Hernando Workforce Board, under the (5) categories of Business, Education, Labor/Apprenticeships, Governmental/Economic/Community Development, Other Entity Representation.

The categories defined by Local Workforce Development Board Composition, Certification and Decertification Policy Number 91 (CareerSource Florida), as follows:

• Business – “owners of a business, chief executives or operating officers of businesses, or other business executives or employers with optimum policymaking or hiring authority; represent businesses, including small businesses, or organizations representing businesses that provide employment opportunities that, at a minimum, include high-quality, work relevant training and development in in-demand industry sectors or occupations in the local area; and are appointed from among individuals nominated by local business organizations and business trade associations”.

• Labor/Apprenticeships – “at least two representatives of labor organizations nominated by local labor federations. For a local area in which no employees are represented by such organization, at least two other representatives of employees will be included. Include at least one representative of a labor organization or a training director from a joint labor-management apprentice program. If no such joint program exists in the area, at least one representative of an apprenticeship program in the area, if such a program exists. May include representatives of community-based organizations that have demonstrated experience and expertise in addressing the employment needs of individuals with barriers to employment, including organization that serve veterans or provide/support competitive integrated employment for individuals with disabilities”.

• Education – “Include a representative of eligible providers administering adult education and literacy activities under Title II of WIOA. Include a representative of institutions of higher education providing workforce investment activities (including community colleges). Include a private education provider, if a public education or training provider is represented on the LWDB. The CareerSource Florida Board of Directors may waive this requirement if requested by a LWDB if it is demonstrated that such representative does not exist in the local area. Include representative of local educational agencies and of community-based organizations with demonstrated experience and expertise in addressing the education or training needs of individuals with barriers to employment”.

• Governmental/Economic/Community Development – “Include representatives that represent economic and community development entities serving the local area. Representatives of from Vocational Rehabilitation serving the local area. Representative from Agencies or entities serving the local area relating to transportation, housing, and public assistance. Representative from philanthropic organizations serving the local area.

• Other Entity Representation – “Include other individuals or representatives of entities determined by the Chief Elected Official in the local area to be appropriate. The state board, members of the local board may be appointed as representatives of more than one entity if the individual meets all the criteria for representation.

The Pasco-Hernando Workforce Board, Inc. dba CareerSource Pasco Hernando,
serves the workforce development initiatives in Pasco and Hernando counties.
Tasked with administering state and federal funding designated for employment and
training services for individuals and new or expanding businesses, they are governed
by a board of directors.

Currently, there is one vacancy per the (5) categories listed above. We are seeking
nominations from local business organizations or business trade associations.
Nominees should be individuals with optimum policymaking or hiring authority within a
business, such as owners, chief executives, or operating officers. Nominees should
represent businesses that provide employment opportunities in the Pasco and
Hernando area.

The Board of Directors is made up of volunteer members, a majority of whom are from
the business sector. Other areas of representation include labor, education, and
economic and community development, and governmental agencies. Directors serve
a term not to exceed 8 years.

Applications are available in the County Administrator’s Office, 15470 Flight Path Drive, Brooksville, Florida 34604, by calling 352-754-4002, or by visiting our website at Applications must be returned to the County Administrator’s Office no later than 5:00 p.m., Friday, January 24, 2025.

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