As part of Hernando County's ongoing Strategic Planning process, the SPC Collaborative Labs team will facilitate this collaborative Community Forum to gain valuable insights for consideration in the strategic plan. Participants will include residents, businesses, and other groups affiliated with the Hernando County community.
This Session will:
- Ask participants to identify characteristics of Hernando County that they value most and do not want to change, and issues affecting the County that the County will need to address
- Begin to discuss participants’ desires for the future of the County and County government, including a potential vision statement, and possible goals, objectives or recommendations related to the vision and issues
- Discuss priorities

Date and Time
Friday Apr 4, 2025
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM EDT
April 4th, 6:00pm-8:00pm
Eastside Elementary School Cafeteria, 27151 Roper Road, Brooksville, FL 34602